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Morphological Parameters Of Kidney In Polypragmasia With Anti-Inflammatory Drugs

Zafarjon M. Mustafoev , Assistant Of The Department Of Anatomy, Clinical Anatomy, Samarkand State Medical Institute, Samarkand, Uzbekistan


We studied macro and microscopic changes in kidney tissue against the background of polypharmacy when modeling renal pathology. It has been shown that the simultaneous use of more than 5 drugs has a nephrotoxic effect on the proximal renal tubules. On macroscopic examination, the kidneys were bean-shaped, the capsule was smooth; with the help of a magnifying glass, it was smooth, shiny, without visible differences. Microscopically, in the kidney tissue in the study group, some structural differences were revealed, the nature and severity of which depended on the type of active drug. In the glomerular apparatus of the kidneys of rats, focal infiltration of mesangial cells was noted. Moreover, in the direct tubules of the kidney apparatus, remarkable changes were not revealed. Thus, it was concluded that tubular damage leads to impaired tubular reabsorption, proteinuria, the morphological criteria of steatosis, and dysproteinosis of varying degrees.


Polypharmacy, Kidney, Morphological Aspects


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Zafarjon M. Mustafoev. (2021). Morphological Parameters Of Kidney In Polypragmasia With Anti-Inflammatory Drugs. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 3(10), 33–37.