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Use Of Information And Communication Technology In Primary Sanitary Institutions. Implementation Of A Single Medical Information-Analysis System For Pregnant Contingents

Ergashev Akrom Abdukhalilovich , Applicant For The Department Of Public Health And Healthcare Management, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Iskandarova Shakhnoza Tulkinovna , Scientific Supervisor, Professor Of The Head Of The Department Of Public Health And Health Management, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Uzbekistan


The purpose of the study: development of the Program using ICT for the decreed contingent and the creation of a unified medical information and analytical system, at the stage of transition to compulsory medical insurance.

Materials and methods. Research methods: will be studied the following employees of school educational and district medical institutions (SHOU, RMU) who periodically underwent medical examination in the Kibray district of the Tashkent region.

Results and Discussions: The study found that in 2019, the Qibray District Medical Association Medical Commission examined only 4,992 workers or 4.3 percent (116061) of the able-bodied population of Qibray District, of which 29 were diagnosed with some form of the disease. Or only 0.58 percent of the diagnosed diseases are women.

Conclusions: based on an in-depth analysis of the contingent, further studies will create an electronic database on the categories, groups, age, disease and frequency of the contingent contingent in Qibray district of Tashkent region.


Medical examination, Wellness, medical culture, medical examination, medical institution


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Ergashev Akrom Abdukhalilovich, & Iskandarova Shakhnoza Tulkinovna. (2021). Use Of Information And Communication Technology In Primary Sanitary Institutions. Implementation Of A Single Medical Information-Analysis System For Pregnant Contingents. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 3(10), 1–11.