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Features Of Verticalization In Early Rehabilitation Of Ischaemic Stroke And Diabetes Patients

Pulatov Sadriddin Sayfullaevich , Candidate Of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor, Head Of Department Rehabilitation Medicine And Sports Medicine, Bukhara State Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Ruziev Feruz Giyasovich , Neurologist, Republican Scientific Centre For Emergency Medical Care, Bukhara Branch, Uzbekistan


The risk of stroke in diabetic patients is significantly higher than in non-diabetic patients. Appropriate studies on the prevalence and characteristics of the onset of elderly diabetes with stroke in many countries are still lacking. Effective prevention and control still face enormous challenges. Older diabetic patients with osteoporosis need sensible intervention and treatment based on an individualised comprehensive assessment.


Stroke, Verticalization And Realization


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Pulatov Sadriddin Sayfullaevich, & Ruziev Feruz Giyasovich. (2021). Features Of Verticalization In Early Rehabilitation Of Ischaemic Stroke And Diabetes Patients. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 3(09), 126–133.