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Modern Tactics Of Treatment Of Patients With Epilepsy

Yakutkhon Nabievna Madjidova , Doctor Of Medical Sciences, Professor, Head Of The Department Of Neurology, Tashkent Pediatric Medical Institute, Uzbekistan
Shokirjon Bakhodirovich Mamatkurbonov , Neurologist Of The Surkhandarya Branch Of The Republican Scientific Center Of Emergency Care, Assistant Of The Department Of Neurology, Termez Branch Of The Tashkent Medical Academy, Uzbekistan


This article explores modern methods of treating epilepsy. The problem of epilepsy is one of the most urgent in modern neurology and psychiatry. According to the European Commission on Epilepsy, about 50 million people in the world suffer from epilepsy. Epilepsy has attracted the attention of various specialists for many centuries, due to the spread of this disease in the population, the complexity of the etiology and pathogenesis, the polymorphism of clinical manifestations, the severity of the course, potentially severe clinical and social consequences, insufficiently effective treatment. According to WHO, the lack of adequate information on the epidemiological characteristics of epilepsy in many countries causes significant deficiencies in the organization of medical care. Epilepsy is one of the most common and severe diseases of the nervous system. The risk of developing epilepsy varies greatly with age. The peak incidence of epilepsy occurs in childhood and adolescence. After the second decade of life, the risk of epilepsy is significantly reduced. However, in some cases, epileptic seizures persist in patients until old age, and can also occur for the first time in old and senile age.


Lack of sleep, physical and mental stress, hyperthermia


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Yakutkhon Nabievna Madjidova, & Shokirjon Bakhodirovich Mamatkurbonov. (2021). Modern Tactics Of Treatment Of Patients With Epilepsy. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 3(09), 96–101.