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Features Of The Clinical And Laboratory Course Of Tuberculosis Lymphadenopathy In Patients Without And With HIV Infection

Mirazim Alimovich Khakimov , Candidate Of Medical Sciences, Associate Professor Republican Specialized Scientific And Practical Medical Center For Phthisiology And Pulmonology, Ministry Of Health Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan. Tashkent
Zarifa Abduraubovna Muminova , Phthisiologist, Republican Specialized Scientific And Practical Medical Center For Phthisiology And Pulmonology, Ministry Of Health Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan. Tashkent


Tuberculous lymphadenopathy without HIV infection, in comparison with those with HIV infection, was characterized by a more favorable clinical course, limited lesion and, especially important, limited caseous-necrotic changes. Analysis of the histological picture of the removed lymph nodes in patients with HIV-i made it possible to distinguish three activities of tuberculous lymphadenopathy: an inactive phase (with a predominance of a productive cellular reaction) - in 3 patients (5.3%), an active (with a predominantly productive-necrotic tissue reaction) - in 11 patients (19.3%), the phase of progression of the pathological process (mainly necrotic lesions, suppuration and formation of fistulas) - in 43 patients (75.4%). It was found that the inactive phase is 5.5 times more common in patients without HIV than in patients with HIV (29.3% and 5.3%, respectively, P˂0.001), while the active phase and the progression phase was 1.5 and 1.3 times more frequent in patients with HIV than in patients without HIV (19.3% and 13.1, respectively, P˃0.5; 75.4% and 57, 6%, respectively, P˂0.02).


Tuberculosis, HIV, Tuberculous lymphadenopathy, inflammatory process


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Mirazim Alimovich Khakimov, & Zarifa Abduraubovna Muminova. (2021). Features Of The Clinical And Laboratory Course Of Tuberculosis Lymphadenopathy In Patients Without And With HIV Infection. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 3(09), 90–95.