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Clinical And Epidemiological Aspects Of A New Coronavirus Infection (Covid-19)

Bayramgul Sadykovna Jumamuratova , Assistant Of Department Of Management, Public Health Bukhara State Medical Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan


Environmental change, climate warming, increasing population density, high migration activity and other factors are provoking the emergence and spread of new infections around the world. The emergence in December 2019 of diseases caused by a new coronavirus ("coronavirus disease 2019") has already gone down in history as not a disease of minor importance, but a disease of great magnitude engulfing the entire humanity. It is known that the most common clinical manifestation of the new infection is pneumonia and, in a large proportion of patients, respiratory distress syndrome. In our article we present a brief analysis and literature review of the epidemiological and epidemiological picture, in addition, we note the etiopathogenesis and some of the nuances of the disease.


COVID-19,, coronavirus, clinic


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Bayramgul Sadykovna Jumamuratova. (2021). Clinical And Epidemiological Aspects Of A New Coronavirus Infection (Covid-19). The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 3(09), 43–49.