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Morphological Characteristics Of The Kidney In Chronic Alcoholism

Hamrayev Izzat Sayfullaevich , Surgeon, The Department Of General Surgery, Republican Emergency Center, Bukhara Branch, Uzbekistan


This research aimed to study the nature of pathomorphological changes in the kidney in chronic alcoholism in rats. In the present study, we have studied experimentally the nature of pathomorphological changes in the kidneys in chronic alcoholism in rats. The longer the intoxication is, the more the kidneys are damaged and homeostatic shifts are more pronounced in young animals. In an experiment on rats, it was found that taking ethanol orally has a short-term effect on kidney tissue and affects water-salt metabolism. Histologically, there are foci of acute inflammation of nephrocytes, spasm of small arterioles, and on the 15th day, atrophic changes in the renal parenchyma. Long-term alcohol intoxication (AIM) leads to persistent morphological disorders of the nephron, which are manifested in changes in the shape and size of the glomerulus, partial sclerosis of loops, vacuolar dystrophy of endothelial cells and partial vacuolar dystrophy of the tubular epithelium, especially the distal part.


Chronic Alcoholism,, Rats, Kidney


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Hamrayev Izzat Sayfullaevich. (2021). Morphological Characteristics Of The Kidney In Chronic Alcoholism. The American Journal of Medical Sciences and Pharmaceutical Research, 3(09), 38–42.