Histological Appearance Of The Liver In Experimental Injury
Alimbay Kamalovich Mangitov , Сhief Physician Of The Sanatorium Zangiota Zam-Zam, Dermatovenerologist, Uzbekistan Rajabbay Israilovich Israilov , Director Of The Republican Center For Pathological Anatomy, Doctor Of Medical Science, Professor, Uzbekistan Kamiljan Abdukarimovich Yuldashev , Republican Specialized Scientific And Practical Medical Center For Dermatovenereology And Cosmetology Doctor Of Medical Science, Professor, UzbekistanAbstract
In this work, the morphofunctional state has been studied at various times after the simulation of experimental syphilis. It is noted that discirculatory and dystrophic changes develop in the early stages of the study. The appearance of focal and massive necrosis of hepatocytes is accompanied by the development of an inflammatory process in the form of lymphoid infiltration around necrosis and hypertrophy of Kupffer cells. Subsequently, lymphohistiocytic infiltration spreads along the portal tracts, in which plasma cells and eosinophils appear, which are characteristic of syphilitic inflammation.
Experiment, syphilis, hepatitis, morphology, hepatocyte, venereology
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