Course Of Post-Infarction Depression Taking Into Account The Time Of Its Once
Mukhtorova H.K. , Bukhara State Medical Institute; Department Of Psychiatry, Narcology And Medical Psychology; Bukhara, Uzbekistan Mukhamadieva N.B. , Bukhara State Medical Institute; Department Of Psychiatry, Narcology And Medical Psychology; Bukhara, Uzbekistan Rustamov U.T. , Bukhara State Medical Institute; Department Of Psychiatry, Narcology And Medical Psychology; Bukhara, UzbekistanAbstract
A study of 341 patients with an established diagnosis of acute myocardial infarction was carried out. The patients are divided into 2 groups. The first, main, included 233 patients with acute myocardial infarction, who subsequently developed depressive disorders, confirmed clinically and using diagnostic scales; the second group consisted of 108 patients who also had acute myocardial infarction, but did not subsequently suffer from symptoms of depression. Clinical and dynamic observation of patients in the postinfarction period was carried out with control of the condition in a month, three months, six months, 12 months after myocardial infarction. Clinical observation was used to detect the presence of symptoms of depression. Among patients with MI with DS in the first days after MI, more than half (51.1%) reported a permanent decrease in mood more often than other symptoms, i.e. these patients showed an affective component of depression, while the ideator component of depression, which manifested itself in thinking retardation to one degree or another, was in 27.5% of patients, motor retardation (motor component) was detected in 21.5% of those observed. In patients with almost the same frequency, the anxious and melancholic type of affect was noted (47.0% and 41.2%, respectively), the dysphoric type of affect was found in 11.8% of cases, which is 4 times less than anxious and 3.5 times less than the melancholic type. In cases of prolonged depression, the severity of affective disorders more often directly correlated with the severity of the physical condition. If not so long-term depressive episodes were largely due to "their own vision of the disease", the severity of their symptoms depended on the conversation with the doctor and the information received from him, the degree of awareness of his diagnosis, possible complications, and not very much depended on the general somatic status itself. then the course of prolonged depression in patients worsened with the aggravation of the cardiological and general somatic condition of patients. Psychosomatic parallelism in the majority of protracted depressions was manifested by the generalization of asthenic symptom complexes (increased general weakness, intolerance to exertion, lethargy, adynamia, severe daytime sleepiness in combination with early insomnia) with deterioration of the somatic state. At the same time, it was noted that with prolonged depression, there were always more or less pronounced cognitive disorders (reduced memory for past events, limited ability to comprehend what was happening around, remember new information, impaired concentration). Postinfarction depressive episodes lasting up to six months can be attributed to nosogenies; depressive episodes of postinfarction genesis with a protracted course, probably with a high degree of confidence can be attributed to somatogenias.
Postinfarction depression, comorbidity
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