Clinical Application Of Dental Photography By A Dentist
Xolboeva Nasiba Asrorovna , Assistant, Samarkand State Medical Institute, Department Of Therapeutic Dentistry, Uzbekistan Turaev Alim Baxriddinovich , Assistant, Samarkand State Medical Institute, Department Of Therapeutic Dentistry, Uzbekistan Islamova Nilufar Bustanovna , Assistant, Samarkand State Medical Institute, Department Of Therapeutic Dentistry, Uzbekistan Davronov Sodiqjon Valijon O’g’li , Doctor, Samarkand State Medical Institute, Department Of Therapeutic Dentistry, Uzbekistan Turaeva Kamila Furqat Qizi , Doctor, Samarkand State Medical Institute, Department Of Therapeutic Dentistry, UzbekistanAbstract
"One picture is worth a thousand words" - Frederic Bernard Currently, many dentists use a camera in their daily practice, turning into photographers for a while. In aesthetic dentistry, the main tool for diagnosis and communication is the art and practice of obtaining a photo. The use of dental photography is the standard of modern dental treatment, since photographs of the results of treatment facilitate understanding of the features of dental intervention. And most importantly, visualization increases the motivation of the patient and promotes the establishment of friendly relations between him and the doctor.
Dental photography, smile
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