Hadeel Fawzi Mohammed , University Of Dijlla College, Iraq Mustafa Tilab Abd Ali , Ministry of Education, First Kurkh Education Directorate, Iraq Ola Thaer Kamil , University of Dijlla College, IraqAbstract
Economic analysis plays a pivotal role in managerial decision-making processes. This analysis is predicated on deeply understanding economic forces and market factors influencing corporate strategies and decisions. This paper delves into the role of economic data analysis in managing small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) to make strategic decisions and enhance performance. The study underscores the significance of this approach and its impact on corporate outcomes. The research analyzes annual reports from three companies: Al-Mahfaza for Mobile and Internet Financial Payment and Settlement Services Company Limited, Al-Arab for Electronic Payment Company, and Iraq Electronic Gateway for Financial Services Company. The paper concludes by drawing key findings from this analysis.
Economic, Decision-making, Mobile
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Copyright (c) 2024 Hadeel Fawzi Mohammed, Mustafa Tilab Abd Ali, Ola Thaer Kamil

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