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Salem Hamad Aldawsari , Department of Finance, College of Business Administration Hotat Bani Tamim, Prince Sattam bin Abdulaziz University


This study examines the extensive environmental impacts of war practices within the Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) region, focusing on land degradation, water contamination, air pollution, and marine biodiversity loss. The analysis highlights the severe and lasting consequences of military conflicts on the region's ecosystems, natural resources, and public health. In particular, the study underscores the critical role of International Humanitarian Law (IHL) in mitigating these impacts by emphasizing the protection of the environment during armed conflicts. The findings reveal that significant land degradation in Iraq and Kuwait has led to reduced agricultural productivity, while water contamination in the Arabic Gulf and other key water bodies poses serious risks to human health and economic stability. Air pollution resulting from the burning of oil wells and other war-related activities has had profound health impacts, and marine pollution has resulted in substantial biodiversity loss, particularly in species such as the Green Turtle and coral reefs. The study also identifies several limitations, including variability in data availability and the need for enhanced long-term environmental monitoring. The implications for environmental governance are profound, as the study calls for stronger regional cooperation and the integration of environmental considerations into both military planning and post-conflict recovery efforts, in line with the principles of IHL. By prioritizing environmental sustainability in conflict prevention and resolution, the GCC region can mitigate future environmental impacts and ensure the long-term health of its ecosystems.


Environmental Impact, Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), International Humanitarian Law (IHL)


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Salem Hamad Aldawsari. (2024). WAR PRACTICES AND EXPERIENCES: ANALYSING THEIR EFFECTS ON THE ENVIRONMENT IN THE GULF COOPERATION COUNCIL (GCC) REGION. The American Journal of Management and Economics Innovations, 6(08), 64–88.