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Ameer Ahmed Naser Al-shlah , Asst. Lect., University of Babylon, College of Administration and Economics, Department of Financial and Banking Sciences, Iraq


Financial inclusion is the provision of financial services to individuals with the best quality, lowest cost, and highest possible protection, or it is the circumstance in which individuals can obtain various financial services of high quality and lowest price, in addition to the appropriate method of dealing with individuals and preserving their dignity. This research focused on a significant segment of society: older people from 50 to 70 years old. What are the financial and banking services that they use, and what is the role of banks in attracting them to use their services and not resort to informal channels? The most critical factor in raising financial inclusion is increasing the percentage of the population dealing with banks, and the elderly segment is not a negligible percentage.


Financial inclusion, services of high quality and lowest price, financial services


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Ameer Ahmed Naser Al-shlah. (2024). THE ROLE OF FINANCIAL INCLUSION IN ATTRACTING SENIORS TO DEAL WITH BANKS. The American Journal of Management and Economics Innovations, 6(08), 41–54.