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Sunday U. Brownson , PhD Student City University, Cambodia
Gloria Chigbu , Lecturer ESFAM-BENIN University, Benin Republic
Christopher M Osazuwa , PhD Student City University, Cambodia


This study takes a unique approach by examining the significance of indigenous knowledge systems (IKS) in preserving the environment and managing resources in Cross Rivers State, Nigeria. The objective is to identify and record various Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) activities, examine their connection to environmental practices, and evaluate their potential for inclusion into formal conservation initiatives. The study utilizes a mixed-methods approach, drawing on Traditional Ecological Knowledge (TEK) and cultural ecology frameworks. Qualitative data collection entails conducting comprehensive interviews and participant observation within specific Indigenous groups. Quantitative data collection involves conducting ecological assessments in partnership with local experts. Data analysis employs thematic analysis for qualitative data and descriptive and inferential statistics for quantitative data. The findings indicate that Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) have a major impact on the utilization of resources, decision-making processes, and environmental outcomes in Cross River State. Traditional farming practices, forest management techniques, water conservation measures, medical expertise, and cultural practices all have a role in the sustainable management of resources and the protection of biodiversity. The study also highlights the difficulties and possibilities of incorporating Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) into official conservation plans. It emphasizes the importance of policy support, community involvement, and the development of skills and knowledge. The findings of this study indicate that Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) have a pivotal role in the preservation of the environment and the sustainable management of resources in Cross River State. The report suggests that to fully harness the potential of Indigenous Knowledge Systems (IKS) for sustainable development, it is important to focus on several key areas. These include improving policy frameworks, increasing community involvement, investing in capacity building, promoting research and documentation, integrating IKS into education, addressing economic obstacles, and establishing monitoring and evaluation mechanisms.


Indigenous Knowledge Systems, Environmental Conservation, Sustainable Resource Management and Cross River State


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