Bekong Tobias Bekong , Department of Educational Foundations and Administration, Faculty of Education of the University of Buea Cameroon Dr. Besong Frida Agbor , Department of Curriculum Studies and Teaching, Faculty of Education of the University of Buea CameroonAbstract
This study focused on principals’ arbitration management strategies and its impact on teachers’ effectiveness in Catholic secondary schools in the Kumba municipality, Meme Division, Southwest Region. The lone objective was to investigate the impact of Principals’ arbitration conflict Management strategies on Teachers’ effectiveness in Catholic Secondary Schools in the Kumba municipality. This paper used of John W. Burton conflict resolution theory (1980). The research design chosen for this study was the qualitative case study research design. The sample technique for the research was the purposive sampling technique and the sample size was 9 participants (3 principals and 6 teachers). Two research instruments were used in collecting data for this study: principals’ and teachers’ interview guides). The instruments validity and reliability were ensured through supervisor’s content scrutiny and ensuring transparency and auditing of the research activities as well as peer debriefing. Findings of the study showed that principals use of Arbitration conflict management strategy had an impact on teachers’ effectiveness. Based on this finding the researcher recommended that the Catholic education secretariate should provide capacity building workshop for principals on conflict management. Also, the government in partnership with Catholic hierarchy should encourage the provision of capacity building workshops for teachers on teamwork and collaboration in the teaching environment.
Principals, Arbitration, Conflict, Management Strategy
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