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Influence Of Polymeric Additives On The Corrosion Resistance Of Concrete

N.I. Goncharova , Ferghana Polytechnic Institute, Ferghana, Uzbekistan
Z.A. Abobakirova , Ferghana Polytechnic Institute, Ferghana, Uzbekistan
A. Mukhamedzyanov , Ferghana Polytechnic Institute, Ferghana, Uzbekistan


The article presents data from experimental studies of the effect of polymer additives POLY – ANS on capillary absorption of concrete. It is shown that under the influence of POLY– ANS additives, the density, water tightness of concrete increases and hydrophobization of the walls of pores and capillaries is ensured (the wettability of concrete decreases) and, consequently, the corrosion resistance of concrete increases. It was found that for accelerated assessment of the degree of influence of POLY – ANS additives on the permeability of concrete, it is effective to use the criterion of a relative measure of hydrophobicity.


Capillary absorption,, saline solutions,


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Abobakirova Z.A. Abstract - Specialty 05.09.05- “Building materials and products” Topic: “Designing the composition and

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N.I. Goncharova, Z.A. Abobakirova, & A. Mukhamedzyanov. (2020). Influence Of Polymeric Additives On The Corrosion Resistance Of Concrete. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(10), 1–5.