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Optimization Of Heat And Mass Exchange Processes In Processing A Cell Of Oil Crops

U.A.Saidmuratov , Candidate Of Technical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department Of Machinery And Equipment For Food And Chemical Industries, Bukhara Engineering-Technological Institute, Bukhara, Uzbekistan


One of the promising areas in the technology of oilseed processing is electro physical processing methods. The use of electrophysical processing methods dramatically accelerates the flow of processes, increases labor productivity, reduces the need for production facilities, and in some cases reduces energy consumption. Based on the foregoing, it is possible to formulate the main goal of studying the process of heat treatment of cotton seed mint in a two-phase flow: to identify rational conditions for the process, to outline rational ways for effective structural design of the apparatus for heat treatment of cotton seed mint.


Cotton seeds of cotton seeds, biotechnological phenomena


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U.A.Saidmuratov. (2020). Optimization Of Heat And Mass Exchange Processes In Processing A Cell Of Oil Crops. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(10), 122–132.