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Features Of Teaching Physics In Higher And General Medical Educational Institutions

Lola Khamidovna Zoirova , Сandidate Of Physical And Mathematical Sciences, Associate Professor, Department Of “General Physics”, Navoi State Mining Institute, Uzbekistan
Ozoda Akbar Kizi Phayzullayeva , Student Of The Power Engineering Faculty, Navoi State Mining Institute, Uzbekistan
Shohzod Odiljon Ugli Ubaydullayev , Student Of The Power Engineering Faculty, Navoi State Mining Institute, Uzbekistan
Malika Yunusjon Kizi Rakhimova , Student Of The Power Engineering Faculty, Navoi State Mining Institute, Uzbekistan


The article presents the main reasons and the need for highly qualified specialists in the field of physics, as well as radiation medicine.


Top-level specialist, methods and methods of teaching physics


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Lola Khamidovna Zoirova, Ozoda Akbar Kizi Phayzullayeva, Shohzod Odiljon Ugli Ubaydullayev, & Malika Yunusjon Kizi Rakhimova. (2020). Features Of Teaching Physics In Higher And General Medical Educational Institutions. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(10), 111–115.