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Research Of The Boundary Of The Section Of A Photo Receiver Based On Mos pCdTe / CdO Structures

Sh.B.Utamuradova , Research Institute Of Semiconductor Physics And Microelectronics At The National University Of Uzbekistan Named After Mirzo Ulugbek, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
S.A.Muzafarova , Research Institute Of Semiconductor Physics And Microelectronics At The National University Of Uzbekistan Named After Mirzo Ulugbek, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


In this work, we investigated an intermediate layer in the structure of a photosensitive MOS structure nCdO / pCdTe . X-ray phase analysis shows that the intermediate layer between Mo and pCdTe is   rather complex in composition. It contains dichalcogenides - three oxide MoO3 and a thin layer of a composite material with the composition of ditelluride MoTe2 . According to X-ray diffraction measurements, the total thickness of the intermediate layer is no more than ~ 200Ǻ. It was shown that in the nCdO / pCdTe structure the base material CdTe mainly consists of a homogeneous cubic modification layer.


Intermediate layer, photosensitivity


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Sh.B.Utamuradova, & S.A.Muzafarova. (2020). Research Of The Boundary Of The Section Of A Photo Receiver Based On Mos pCdTe / CdO Structures . The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(10), 97–105.