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Main Features Of The Geodynamic Evolution Of Domesozoic Formations And Metallogenic Zoning Of Endogenous Gold Mineralization Of The Tien-Shan Origenic Vein System

Movlanov J.J. , Director Of The Center For Geoinnovation Technologies Of The University Of Geological Sciences, Doctor Of Philosophy (Phd) In Geological And Mineralogical Sciences, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
S.M. Koloskova , Chief Researcher, State Enterprise "Institute Of Mineral Resources", Candidate Of Geological And Mineralogical Sciences, State Committee For Geology Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


Geochemical testing covered the entire territory of Uzbekistan, but with varying degrees of detail. Most, 85-88% of the republic's area is covered with Mesozoic and Cenozoic sediments, with which exogenous deposits are associated. Pre-Mesozoic formations - the environment of localization of endogenous deposits, confined to the mountain systems of the Median and South Tien Shan. Mountain heights with outcrops of Pre-Mesozoic rocks occupy about 12-15% in area, the rest is in semi-closed and closed territories. Primary halos are recorded on the surface and at depth, secondary ones on the surface, as well as near it: below the raft - in water, above - in the surface atmosphere. Improving forecasting efficiency in regional geochemical works, interpretation and assessment of different-rank ore-generating geochemical anomalies in complex landscape-geological conditions.


Evolution, geochemistry,


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Movlanov J.J., & S.M. Koloskova. (2020). Main Features Of The Geodynamic Evolution Of Domesozoic Formations And Metallogenic Zoning Of Endogenous Gold Mineralization Of The Tien-Shan Origenic Vein System. The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(10), 70–82.