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Physico-Mechanical Properties Of Irrigated Meadow Soils Of The Bukhara Region (On The Example Of The Zhandar District)

Nazarova S.M. , Lecturers Of Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan
Zaripov G.T. , Lecturers Of Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan
Mamurova M.O. , Lecturers Of Bukhara State University, Uzbekistan


The article provides data on the physical and mechanical properties of irrigated meadow soils in the Zhandar region. Depending on the mechanical composition, the degree of salinity and cultivation, it varies within a wide range of physical and mechanical properties, there are certain differences caused by their genesis and regional characteristics.


Land resources, agriculture


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Nazarova S.M., Zaripov G.T., & Mamurova M.O. (2020). Physico-Mechanical Properties Of Irrigated Meadow Soils Of The Bukhara Region (On The Example Of The Zhandar District). The American Journal of Applied Sciences, 2(10), 22–27.