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Productivity Of Intensive Varieties In Apple Trees Depends On Density Of Trees In Orchards

R. Yunusov , Associate Professor, Candidate Of Agricultural Sciences, Bukhara State University, Bukhara, Uzbekistan
M. Sattorova , Lecturer, Bukhara State University, Bukhara, Uzbekistan


In this article, the productivity of intensive apple varieties was studied, grafting on vegetatively propagated medium-sized stock MM - 106 Golden Delicious and Korey. In a long-term watering experience, it was revealed that in the optimal planting scheme of 6 × 4, the yield of apple fruits increased by 12-15%, the quality of apple fruits improved significantly.


Intensive orchards, apple trees, semi-dwarf trees, trunk circumference, average shoot length, crown size, yield, fruit weight


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Yunusov, R. ., & Sattorova , M. . (2021). Productivity Of Intensive Varieties In Apple Trees Depends On Density Of Trees In Orchards. The American Journal of Agriculture and Biomedical Engineering, 3(05), 1–7.