Gloria Schettini , Department of Agricultural and Environmental Science, University of Bari, ItalyAbstract
Protected cultivation has emerged as an effective strategy to enhance crop yield and quality in modern agriculture. This study explores the effectiveness of nets in peach cultivation, focusing on their role in improving plant growth and pest control. By utilizing different types of protective nets, such as shade nets and insect-proof nets, the microclimate within the cultivation area is modified, providing optimal conditions for peach trees to thrive. The research evaluates the impact of nets on temperature regulation, light intensity, and humidity, all of which contribute to enhanced growth rates and fruit quality. Additionally, the use of nets significantly reduces the incidence of pests, minimizing the need for chemical pesticides and promoting environmentally sustainable farming practices.
The findings of this study demonstrate that net-covered peach cultivation not only boosts plant vigor and fruit yield but also mitigates common agricultural challenges such as pest infestations and harsh weather conditions. This research provides valuable insights into the application of netting systems in peach farming, offering practical solutions to improve productivity and sustainability in the agricultural sector.
Peach cultivation, protective nets, growth enhancement
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