Etop Nkereuwem Essien (PhD) , Department of Agricultural Education, University of Uyo, Nigeria Inibehe Archibong Job (PhD) , Department of Agricultural Education, University of Uyo, NigeriaAbstract
Poultry farming plays a pivotal role in addressing human food demand. Robots are emerging as promising tools in poultry farming, with the potential to address sustainability issues while meeting the increasing production needs and demand for animal welfare. This review aims to identify the current advancements, problems and prospects of development for robotics in poultry farming by examining existing challenges, solutions and innovative research, including robot-animal interactions. This paper covers the application of robots in different areas, from environmental monitoring to disease control, floor eggs collection and animal welfare. Robots not only demonstrate effective implementation on farms but also hold potential for ethological research on collective and social behaviour, which can in turn drive a better integration in industrial farming, with improved productivity and enhanced animal welfare.
Increasing production needs, challenges, solutions and innovative research
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