Gaia Russo , Department of Agriculture, Forestry and Food Science, University of Torino, Grugliasco (TO), ItalyAbstract
The sustainable management of organic waste is crucial for enhancing the efficiency of biogas production processes. This study investigates the potential of co-digested solid fractions as an alternative feedstock in biogas plants. Co-digestion involves the simultaneous processing of multiple organic waste streams, which can improve the nutrient balance and overall digestibility of the substrate. This research focuses on the composition, digestibility, and biogas yield of co-digested solid fractions derived from agricultural and municipal solid waste. Through experimental analysis, the study evaluates the impact of these fractions on biogas production rates, methane content, and overall process stability. Results demonstrate that co-digested solid fractions can significantly enhance biogas yield compared to traditional single-substrate digestion. Additionally, the use of these fractions contributes to more efficient waste management practices and supports sustainable energy production. The findings highlight the viability of incorporating co-digested solid fractions into biogas plant feedstock strategies, offering a promising solution for optimizing biogas production and advancing waste-to-energy technologies.
Co-digestion, solid fraction, biogas production
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