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X.X. Kimsanboev , Professor of Plant Quarantine and Protection Department of Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan
M.M.Ergashev , Doctoral student of the Research Institute of Plant Quarantine and Protection, Uzbekistan


At present, due to the rapid development of the world, anthropogenic factors, and the impact of natural disasters, many tric organisms are disappearing or their mutual relations are being disturbed.

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Entomophage, noctuidae, Leridoptera


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X.X. Kimsanboev, & M.M.Ergashev. (2024). DEVELOPMENT OF NOCTUDAE (LEPIDOPTERA) AND THEIR ENTOMOPHAGES IN AREAS OF NATURAL DISASTER IN SIRDARYA REGION. The American Journal of Agriculture and Biomedical Engineering, 6(01), 29–35.