Roberto Souza Rezende , Searchers for The Agricultural Research Company of Minas Gerais - Epamig, Brazil Cristiano Antônio Rodrigues , Searchers for The Agricultural Research Company of Minas Gerais - Epamig, BrazilAbstract
This study delves into the intricate dynamics of bean pod production by investigating the effects of varying doses of silicon, nitrogen, and molybdenum. Employing a comprehensive experimental approach, the research aims to unravel the optimal conditions for maximizing bean pod yield. Results from controlled experiments showcase the nuanced interplay between these essential elements and their impact on the growth and development of bean pods. The findings contribute valuable insights for agricultural practitioners seeking to optimize cultivation practices and enhance bean pod production in a sustainable and efficient manner.
Bean Pods, Silicon, Nitrogen
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Copyright (c) 2023 Roberto Souza Rezende, Cristiano Antônio Rodrigues

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