Alessandro Garibaldi , Centre Of Competence in The Agro-Environmental Sector (Agroinnova) - University of Torino ItalyAbstract
This study delves into the dynamic interplay between climate change and plant pathogens within the controlled environment of a cutting-edge Phytotron. With the pressing need to comprehend how climate shifts influence the behavior of plant pathogens, this research investigates the intricate responses of diverse plant-pathogen systems to changing environmental conditions. Through meticulous experimentation and analysis, we uncover the nuanced ways in which temperature, humidity, and CO2 levels affect pathogen proliferation, plant resistance mechanisms, and disease outcomes. Our findings not only deepen our understanding of the complex relationships between climate change and plant-pathogen interactions but also provide valuable insights for devising sustainable strategies to mitigate potential agricultural losses in the face of a changing climate.
Climate Change, Plant Pathogens, Phytotron
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