Abdulhameed Atteh , Department Of Animal Production, Faculty of Agriculture, University Of Ilorin, Ilorin, NigeriaAbstract
In vitro evaluation of enzyme supplementation is used to predict the in vivo response of poultry to enzymes. This study aims to evaluate the efficacy of in vitro techniques in predicting the in vivo response of poultry to enzyme supplementation. Different in vitro techniques such as pepsin, amylase, and protease assays were used to evaluate enzyme efficacy. The results obtained from in vitro techniques were compared with the in vivo response of poultry to the same enzyme supplementation. The study showed that in vitro techniques such as pepsin, amylase, and protease assays can be effectively used to predict the in vivo response of poultry to enzyme supplementation. The study recommends the use of in vitro techniques for predicting the in vivo response of poultry to enzyme supplementation.
In vitro, In vivo, Enzyme Supplementation
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