Ni Kadek Kaisiepo , Ikip Pgri Bali, Denpasar, IndonesiaAbstract
This study analyzes the commitment of the social business and social change to increment work opportunity rivalry in the Kutuh Town of Ubud Bali. With the rapid modernization of all fields resulting in shifts in the economic, social, and cultural landscape, as well as a very dynamic lifestyle, the rapid advancement of technology and information is altering all aspects of life and altering society's values and culture. The issue that this study has: How does the cultural industry and social change contribute to more competition for jobs in the Kutuh Village of Ubud, Bali? This study utilizes an engaging subjective strategy, utilizing relative testing procedures comprising of the local area of craftsman’s and painters in the Town of Kutuh Petulu, Ubud, Bali. Given the magnitude of globalization, the growth of the cultural industry in Kutuh Village could result in the creation of jobs for future generations, increasing Bali's Gross Domestic Product. The dimensions of globalization are ideology and technology. The philosophy aspect, to be specific private enterprise and unrestricted economies, while the mechanical aspect is data innovation that has joined the world.
Competition, industry of culture, dimension
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