The Possibility Of Increasing The Natural Resistance Of The Body Of The Karakulian Lambs By Biophysical Methods
Rajamurodov Zaynitdin Turabovich , Doctor Of Biological Sciences, Professor, Samarkand State University, Uzbekistan Jalilov Mukhiddin Khalimovich , PhD, Samarkand State Medical Institute, Samarkand, 140100, Uzbekistan Akhrorov Ma'ruf Nasimjonovich , Assistant, Samarkand State Medical Institute, Samarkand, 140100, UzbekistanAbstract
This article provides information on the effect of the immune status of sheep on the humoral and cellular defence systems of sheep raised in extreme conditions, irradiated with low-intensity laser light before arrival. According to the data obtained, it was found that the effect of laser light on a mother-sheep affects its activity on the cellular protective components of the lambs' body.
Environmental factors, extreme conditions, immune status, Karakul breed, laser radiation, meat, biophysics, natural durability, past intensive, pasture, T- and V-lymphocytes
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