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Yakubov Mirdjamil Mirziyatovich , Doctor of Philosophy of Agricultural Sciences (PhD), Scientific Research Institute of HV and V named after Academician M.Mirzaev, Uzbekistan
Mirzakhidov Ormon , Research Institute of Horticulture, Viticulture and Enology named after Academician M. Mirzaev, Ph.D., Senior Researcher, Uzbekistan
Dilshod Obidzhanov , Doctor of philosophy of agricultural sciences, laboratory manager, Scientific-Research Institute of Horticulture, Viticulture and Winemaking named after Academician MakhmudMirzaev, Uzbekistan


In the articleIt has unique characteristics and characteristics that make it an endangered species of agricultural cropspear "Zukhra" restoration of local varieties, researches were conducted in order to establish nursery gardens for the propagation of seedlings.

"Zukhra" variety of pear, the results of research on determining the level of biological compatibility of seedlings, cultivar-graft combinations are presented. In the experiment, Zukhra and Azamat varieties of pear were grafted on seed seedlings, quince A, VA-29 and Ghox-9 grafts, and their ability to hold buds was studied. The high capacity of buds was noted in the Zukhra variety grafted on the Ghox-9 rootstock. It was observed that high results were achieved in the Zukhra variety grafted on standard seedlings Ghox-9.


Pear, graft, bearing capacity, bud


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Yakubov Mirdjamil Mirziyatovich, Mirzakhidov Ormon, & Dilshod Obidzhanov. (2022). RESTORATION AND PROPAGATION OF THE LOCAL PEAR VARIETY "ZUKHRA" IN DANGER OF EXTINCTION. The American Journal of Agriculture and Biomedical Engineering, 4(09), 17–21.