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Dilshod Obidzhanov , Doctor of Philosophy of Agricultural Sciences (PhD), Scientific Research Institute of HV and V named after Academician M.Mirzaev, Uzbekistan


If possible, potato fields should be located at a distance from the plantings of the last year's crop, which are the reserve of the wintering pest. This is due to the fact that the overwintered beetles that emerged from the soil require a certain time to reach the host plant. So, in the conditions of the Tashkent region, the spatial isolation of new plantings from the wintering places of the pest made it possible to delay the settling of seedlings for 1-2 weeks and, in some cases, reduce the need for chemical treatments due to this. The positive effect of a four-field crop rotation on reducing the rate of seedling settlement by beetles, the number and harmfulness of larvae in comparison with the polyculture of potatoes was traced in a stationary experiment. The most effective was the alternation: wheat-potato.



Potatoes, crops, pest, plantings


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Obidzhanov D., Zokirov Sh., Erkinov Kh.Colorado beetle and potential in potatoes effective struggle//The American Journal of Agriculture and Boimedical Engineering. (ISSN - 2689-1018) Published: December 30, 2021| Pages: 19-23. doi:

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Dilshod Obidzhanov. (2022). FIGHT AGAINST THE COLORADIA BEETLE IN THE CONDITIONS OF UZBEKISTAN. The American Journal of Agriculture and Biomedical Engineering, 4(08), 5–9.