Bakojon Murodov , Candidate of Biological Sciences, Associate Professor, Research Institute of Quarantine and Plant Protection, Uzbekistan Mashrabjon Shaymanov , PhD base doctoral student, Research Institute of Quarantine and Plant Protection, UzbekistanAbstract
The Comstock worm is native to Japan and China, and entomologist S. Kuwan described the worm in 1902 and named it Comstock in honor of the American entomologist Comstoc. The Comstock worm has not been reported in the literature for many years, and by the 1920s, reports of new outbreaks had begun to appear in the press. Comstock worms are now found in many countries in Asia, Africa, Australia, the Americas and Europe. Comstock worms are widespread in all Central Asian republics, including Kazakhstan, Georgia, Armenia, Azerbaijan and Uzbekistan.
Bioecology, taxonomic systematics, damage, morphology
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