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M.M. Ablazova , PhD in Agricultural Sciences, Associate Professor, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan
M.A.Zuparov , Professor, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan, Tashkent


Eggplants, like other popular crops, are not able to resist the attack of malicious insects that constantly annoy them. The plants themselves are not able to cope with such a scourge. Therefore, they need help, which the gardener must certainly provide. In gratitude for the efforts, eggplants will delight you with a rich harvest. There is no one way that could solve the problem of insects that adversely affect the condition of vegetables. For each specific pest, it is necessary to look for its own method, thanks to which the fight against it will be effective. There are several types of insects that feel great on eggplant beds. They find a specific approach to them, which helps the summer resident to forget about such a problem as eggplant pests for a long time.


Biology, morphology, harm


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M.M. Ablazova, & M.A.Zuparov. (2022). EGG PESTS - HOW TO IDENTIFY AND CONTROL. The American Journal of Agriculture and Biomedical Engineering, 4(05), 5–7.