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Gulyaev Rinat Amirovich , Paxta Ilmiy-Innovasiya Markazi LLC 100100, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Sultonov Azamat Akramovich , Paxta Ilmiy-Innovasiya Markazi LLC 100100, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Yunusov Ravil Fuatovich , Paxta Ilmiy-Innovasiya Markazi LLC 100100, Tashkent, Uzbekistan
Rafikov Damir Rafailovich , Paxta Ilmiy-Innovasiya Markazi LLC 100100, Tashkent, Uzbekistan


The purpose of this study is the development and implementation of a remote sensing system for the formation of primary accounting data based on the digitalization of the agricultural sector, automation of accounting processes, reducing the influence of the human factor, which allows for operational monitoring of the state of sown areas, planning agrotechnical measures, control of equipment working in the fields. There are on average 400-600 circuits per remote sensing operator. The proposed modern approach to the organization of agricultural production is aimed at reducing losses and costs, improving the quality and competitiveness of agricultural products and products from it in the national and international markets.


Earth remote sensing systems, digitalization of the agricultural sector


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Gulyaev Rinat Amirovich, Sultonov Azamat Akramovich, Yunusov Ravil Fuatovich, & Rafikov Damir Rafailovich. (2022). ON THE DEVELOPMENT OF A SYSTEM FOR DIGITAL REMOTE MONITORING OF AGRICULTURAL LAND. The American Journal of Agriculture and Biomedical Engineering, 4(03), 42–49.