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Khudayorova Sokhiba Itolmasovna , Assistant at the Department of pharmacognozy at the Tashkent Pharmaceutical Institute, Uzbekistan


A well-known citrus plant, very common in the culture of Central Asian countries. Lemons grown in greenhouses, hotbeds. It found wild in Southeast Asia. It is eaten everywhere. The plant, due to its taste, flavoring properties, is widely used in the confectionery, wine and vodka industries. Lemons used in cosmetology. The plant has been used in medical practice since ancient times. In article, the review of literature on medicinal and preventive properties of fruits of a lemon is provided in ancient, modern traditional and scientific medicine. Citrus L, as an evergreen subtropical plant, successfully used in Uzbekistan under protected ground conditions as an industrial crop, and indoors as an ornamental crop, but the success of this crop depends on the variety and cultivation technology.


Lemon,, cultivation technology, development, useful, health


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Khudayorova Sokhiba Itolmasovna. (2022). DEVELOPMENT OF MARKETABLE PROPERTIES OF PROCESSED LEMON. The American Journal of Agriculture and Biomedical Engineering, 4(02), 21–25.