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Methods For Preserving The Most Valuable Gene Pool And Breeding And Tribal Work When Creating Gene Pool Studs Of The Karakul Rocks Of Sheep Surkhandarysur

Omonov Mamatqobil Ismoilovich , Termiz State University, Doctor Of Biological Sciences, Uzbekistan


The article presents that the problem of preserving, restoring and reproducing the Karakulic gene pool of sheep, including animals of the most valuable sheep surkhurkhandaryin type, as well as a fundamental improvement in the quality of rare and original karakulian skins, the development and improvement of breeding methods in the farm and targeted work It has important scientific and practical importance in the development of the industry of the karakutyrmedy in Uzbekistan.



Genuofund, genetic potential, original, paint, colors


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Omonov Mamatqobil Ismoilovich. (2021). Methods For Preserving The Most Valuable Gene Pool And Breeding And Tribal Work When Creating Gene Pool Studs Of The Karakul Rocks Of Sheep Surkhandarysur. The American Journal of Agriculture and Biomedical Engineering, 3(07), 25–32. Retrieved from