Colorado Beetle And Potential In Potatoes Effective Struggle
Dilshod Obidzhanov , Doctor Of Philosophy Of Agricultural Sciences (PhD), Scientific Research Institute Of HV And V Named After Academician M.Mirzaev, Uzbekistan Shokir Zokirov , Doctoral Student, Uzbek Research Institute Of Plant Protection, Uzbekistan Kholbek Erkinov , Magistr, TashDAU, UzbekistanAbstract
In the climatic conditions of Uzbekistan, the lack of agro-technical and chemical measures against the Colorado potato beetle will cause significant damage to potato yields. If Colorado potato beetle larvae and beetles appear in the potato field, one of the following insecticides can be used successfully, considering other pests at once: Dalate-Plus, 10% e.k. – 0,05 l/ha, Deluxe Ultra, 10% e.k. – 0,035 l/ha.
Potato, Plant Protection, Pest
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Obidzhanov D., Erkinov Kh. Potato pests in uzbekistan. // The American Journal of Agriculture and Boimedical Engineering (ISSN - 2689-1018). July 30, 2021. R. 11-20.
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