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Growing A Lemon In Trenches And Protecting Against Pests

Dilshod Obidzhanov , Doctor Of Philosophy Of Agricultural Sciences, Laboratory Manager, Scientific-Research Institute Of Horticulture, Viticulture And Winemaking Named After Academician Makhmud Mirzaev, Uzbekistan
Mirkhatam Mirzaev , Doctor Of Philosophy Of Agricultural Sciences, Laboratory Manager, Uzbekistan


It is recommended in the state that varieties of lemon in citrus fruits apply the correct agronomic measures in broad transcripts, obtain high yields from them, add weight value and improve and prevent hazards. Of the following insecticides per 10 liters of water against whitefly in lemon: Entoluxo 20% - 10 g, Entospilan 20% - 15 g, Agrofos Extra 60% - 4 g, Dalat plus 10% - 5 g. We recommend one of the drugs for taking antidepressants. High biological effectiveness is achieved when these preparations are used 2-3 times a day by spraying during the growing season.


Citrus Fruits, Lemon, Agronomic, Biology, Insecticides


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Dilshod Obidzhanov, & Mirkhatam Mirzaev. (2021). Growing A Lemon In Trenches And Protecting Against Pests. The American Journal of Agriculture and Biomedical Engineering, 3(12), 15–18.