Characteristic Of Adaptive Capacity Of Families Of Thin Fiber Cotton In The Conditions Of Tashkent And Surkhandarya Regions
Kamoladdin Khudarganov , Doctor Of Agricultural Sciences, Head Of The Laboratory, Research Institute For Quarantine And Plant Protection Agency For Quarantine And Plant Protection Of The Republic Of UzbekistanAbstract
It was established, that the studied lines and families have a high adaptive ability. Significant differences in most of the studied traits between the lines were not noted, but there was a slight excess in the number of boxes in L-51 and the height of the main stem in line L-52.
At present, the issues of identifying and creating adaptive forms characterized by the stability of the main economically valuable traits have acquired particular importance. One of the important indicators characterizing the resistance of plants to the influence of unfavorable environmental factors is homeostasis, which is a universal property in the system of the relationship between the genotype and the external environment. Homeostasis is nothing more than the ability of the genotype to minimize the effects of exposure to adverse external conditions.
Selection and seed production of agricultural plants are an integral part of adaptive crop production, and they play a leading role in the biologization and greening of intensification processes.
Tashkent, Surkhandarya Regions, Fiber Cotton
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