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Research Of Anti-Corrosion Properties Of Engine Oils When The Engine Is Running

Zebo Khamidullaevna Alimova , Ph.D., Professor, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan
Makhamat Makhamajanov , Ph.D., Associate Professor, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan
Ibrahim Akhmatjanovich , Ph.D., Associate Professor, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan
Karimulla Irgashevich Magdiev , Senior Lecturer, Tashkent State Transport University, Uzbekistan


The article studied the protective properties of engineoils against corrosion of metal surfaces. The corrosive properties of oils are enhanced when there is an aggressive compound in it, as well as with an increase in humidity and air temperature. It is established that the protective layer on the path of aggressive products to metal surfaces is corrosion inhibitors, which contribute to the formation of adsorbed or chemical pellicle on metal surfaces. The results of the solubility of additives depending on the heating temperature and recommendations for their use are presented.


Corrosion,, Wear,, Concentration Of Additives, Anti-Corrosion Additives, Surfaces Of Parts, Viscosity, Sulfur Compounds, Alkalis, Mineral Acids


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Zebo Khamidullaevna Alimova, Makhamat Makhamajanov, Ibrahim Akhmatjanovich, & Karimulla Irgashevich Magdiev. (2021). Research Of Anti-Corrosion Properties Of Engine Oils When The Engine Is Running. The American Journal of Agriculture and Biomedical Engineering, 3(11), 28–33.