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Representation Of The Dampness Transfer In Cocoa Beans Microwave Pulse Drying

Everard Thomas , Department Of Agriculture, University Of Bordeaux, France


The dampness move portrayal was made utilizing the assessment of mass exchange boundaries and a displaying. The assessed mass exchange boundaries were the Biot number (Bi), the diffusivity (D) and the mass exchange coefficient (km). They were given by the scientific technique for Dincer. The second Ficks law was utilized for the dampness move displaying. The outcomes acquired showed that for the entire microwave controls, the Bi qualities were incorporated somewhere in the range of 0.57 and 0.62. The D qualities, for the different microwaves powers (450 W, 600 W and 700 W), were individually 6.0110-9 m.s-1, 10.27 10-9 m.s-1and 11.9410-9 m.s-1. The km esteems changed between 9.8710-7 m.s-1and 21.3310-7 m.s-1. The Ficks model application showed a decent sufficiency between the exploratory qualities and those recreated. R of the Ficks model for the entire microwave power levels, was higher than 0.998.


Drying, Microwave, Mass exchange,, Cocoa


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Everard Thomas. (2021). Representation Of The Dampness Transfer In Cocoa Beans Microwave Pulse Drying. The American Journal of Agriculture and Biomedical Engineering, 3(11), 25–27.