Efficiency Of Fungicides Against Mealy Dew In Pear Gardens
Umarov Zafar , Doctor of Philosophy of Agricultural Sciences (PhD), Scientific Research Institute of HV and V named after Academician M.Mirzaev, Uzbekistan Obidzhanov Dilshod , Doctor of Philosophy of Agricultural Sciences (PhD), Scientific Research Institute of HV and V named after Academician M.Mirzaev, Uzbekistan Pulatov Aziz , Doctoral student, Scientific Research Institute of HV and V named after Academician M.Mirzaev,Tashkent, UzbekistanAbstract
In our study, the fungicide Koritus WG (0,4 kg / ha) was tested against powdery mildew found in pear orchards. The study showed a high biological effectiveness of the applied fungicide against dew disease from pear flour. Damage to leaves was from 7,1%, fruits - from 6,2%. The development of the disease ranges from 5,7 to 6,4% in leaves, and in fruits from 3,9%. The biological effectiveness ranged from 89,8% to 90,3%.
Pear, Disease, Fungi, Pathogen, Fungicide, Damage, Disease Progression, Biological Effectiveness
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