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Winter Resistance Of Winter Wheat Under Extreme Conditions

Esbosyn Polatovich Sadykov , Candidate Of Agricultural Sciences, Senior Lecturer Of The Department, Nukus Branch Of The Tashkent State, Agrarian University, Uzbekistan
Biisenbai Aripovich Bekbanov , Candidate Of Agricultural Sciences, Noun Employee, Karakalpak Scientific Research Institute Of Agriculture, Uzbekistan
Bibinaz Muratbaevna Kosbergenova , Doctoral Student, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan
Raikhan Mukhammedovna Aimuratova , 2-Year Master's Student, Nukus Branch Of The Tashkent State, Agrarian University, Uzbekistan, Republic Of Karakalpakstan, Nukus City


The article discusses the issue of frost resistance of varieties and samples of winter wheat sown at different depths, in the extreme conditions of Karakalpakstan. Both a decrease and an excessive deepening of sowing leads to a significant decrease in their resistance to low temperatures, which negatively affects their subsequent survival in the spring-summer period. On the basis of the data, 2 varieties were selected, they turned out to be frost-resistant and differed in good yield and other valuable traits in comparison with the zoned varieties. They were transferred to the State Commission for Variety Testing of Agricultural Crops, under the name "Chimbay" and "Aral".


Cultivar, specimen, plastic cultivars, frost resistance


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Esbosyn Polatovich Sadykov, Biisenbai Aripovich Bekbanov, Bibinaz Muratbaevna Kosbergenova, & Raikhan Mukhammedovna Aimuratova. (2021). Winter Resistance Of Winter Wheat Under Extreme Conditions. The American Journal of Agriculture and Biomedical Engineering, 3(07), 1–10. Retrieved from