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The Technology Of Creating Topiary Compositions With The Participation Of Ornamental Shrubs - Frame Topiary In The “Green Art” Style

Feruza Ulugbekovna Rashidova , PhD Student, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan


To create a unique design on your sites, in parks, recreation centers, playgrounds, to create amazing entrance groups, you can use landscape figures - topiary. Using decorative figures, depending on your wishes and fantasies, you can create fabulous corners for children using the figures of fabulous characters; picturesque corners with animals, creating whole compositions: for example, using a family of bears, rabbits or roe deer, you get an exceptional view of your site, which will delight you and your guests throughout the whole season; cozy corners with benches, etc. The fashion for ornamental gardens, ponds and rocky slides will never disappear from our garden plots. Cutting shrubs and trees in the form of various shapes is now in vogue. Interest in topiary art today is starting to gain momentum more and more, exhibitions of landscape art cannot do without elements of topiary compositions.


Landscape design, ornamental gardening, topiary art, ornamental shrubs, creation technology, gardening, selection of assortments, ornamental shrubspruning, evergreen boxwood, camel, laurel noble, holly, representatives of the myrtle family, yew and privet


N.P. Titova. “Roof Gardens” (Н.П. Титова “Сады на крышах”)

O.B.Bondareva. “Household Economy” (О.Б.Бондарева “Приусадебное хозяйство”)

N.P. Titova. “Your Garden” (Н.П. Титова “Ваш сад”)

D.V. Nesterova. “Flower Beds and Hedges” (Д.В.Нестерова “Клумбы и живые изгороди”)

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Rashidova, F. U. . (2021). The Technology Of Creating Topiary Compositions With The Participation Of Ornamental Shrubs - Frame Topiary In The “Green Art” Style. The American Journal of Agriculture and Biomedical Engineering, 3(05), 39–44.