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Bioecology, Harm And Efficiency Of Certain Preparations Against The Apple Fruit Sawer (Hoplocampa Testudinea Klug.)

Anarbaev A.R. , Doctor Of Agricultural Sciences, Professor, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan
Akhmedjanova K.A. , Master, Tashkent State Agrarian University, Uzbekistan


This article provides data on the harmfulness, distribution and lifestyle of the apple sawdust widely noted in recent years in the intensive orchards of the republic. In order to determine the effectiveness of insecticides against olm arrakashi, observations were first carried out based on the sex pheromone. On this basis, in three variants, the drugs Dalate Plus 10% ae, Entovant 15% ae, Protect 5% em.k were tested, a higher efficiency was observed in the variant where the drug Dalate Plus 10% ae was used, - 0,2 l / ha, where the biological efficiency was 86.7% in comparison with the control.


Bioecology, harm, control, efficiency of certain preparations, harmfulness, distribution, lifestyle


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A.R., A. ., & K.A., A. . (2021). Bioecology, Harm And Efficiency Of Certain Preparations Against The Apple Fruit Sawer (Hoplocampa Testudinea Klug.). The American Journal of Agriculture and Biomedical Engineering, 3(05), 36–38.