Some Characteristics Of Transpiration Of Promising Soybean’s Varieties
Kholliyev Askar Ergashovich , Doctor Of Biological Sciences, Professor, Bukhara State University, Bukhara, Uzbekistan Fozilov Sherzod Musurmonovich , Basic Doctoral Student Of The National University Of UzbekistanAbstract
The article presents data obtained from the study of the daily intensity of transpiration during the flowering stage of soybean varieties. According to the data on the diurnal variation of transpiration intensity, this process was accelerated in Vilana and Ustoz MM-60 varieties of soybeans, and a relative decrease in intensity was observed in Baraka and Tomaris man-60 varieties. Different variations in the intensity of transpiration in the cross section of the studied varieties may depend on the biological characteristics of the varieties as well as the air temperature and its relative humidity level.
Soybean varieties, transpiration rate, temperature, humidity, water exchange, productivity
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