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Islamic System Of Human Rights And Types Of Contracts In Islamic Law

Mustafa Karatash , DSc, Professor Of Istanbul State University, Turkey
Rakhmanov Abdumukhtor Rejjabbaevich , PhD, Assistant Professor Of The Department Of International Law And Human Rights, Tashkent State University Of Law, Uzbekistan


The article deals with the application of the norms of Islamic law on obligations and contracts, particularly, principles of close to the moral values of our people, and calls on the parties to contracts to be honest and conscientious in their obligations, timely and proper execution, tolerance and generosity, at the same time some types of contacts in Islamic law such as muzaraba, musharaka and murabah are discussed in detail.


Muzaraba, musharaka, murabahha, aqd, rabbul mol, muzarib, factor, muzarabai mutlaq, muzarabai muqayyad, shirkad ul aqd, shirkat ul amval,, Islamic finance


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Karatash, M. ., & Rejjabbaevich , R. A. . (2021). Islamic System Of Human Rights And Types Of Contracts In Islamic Law. The American Journal of Political Science Law and Criminology, 3(06), 147–152.