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The Relevance Of Attitudes Towards Compensation For Losses To An Employee

Israylov Bakhtiyor Adilovich , Independent Researcher Of The Supreme School Of Judges Under The Supreme Judicial Council Of The Republic Of Uzbekistan


This article is aimed the relevance of employee remuneration relations, the existing theory and legal practice of compensation, liability arising from injuries of workers and employees in the workplace, compensation for damage to the life and health of workers and employees in the process of work, and provided to employees, discusses the types of guarantees and compensation.

The article also discusses the obligation to compensate for the damage caused to the employee, civil liability by its legal nature, whether it arose as a result of damage caused to the employee in connection with the performance of labor duties, and the employer's obligation to fully compensate for the damage.


Damage to the employee, compensation for losses, labor activity of workers and employees, recovery of losses, the obligation to compensate for damage caused to the employee


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Adilovich, I. B. . (2021). The Relevance Of Attitudes Towards Compensation For Losses To An Employee. The American Journal of Political Science Law and Criminology, 3(06), 61–66.